Penelope said...

It's weird but I think those babies look JUST LIKE THEM! It know they only have those little Maxis baby faces but still!

Phoenix said...

I know!! I was sitting there staring that the pic and I was thinking the SAME thing! I can see so many features of both Kaylee and Ty in them! Its weird!!

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm Hey_Thur_Aether, from a long while back, not sure if you remember (If you don't, we chatted on the very first few pages of Ravensworth Generations). You definitely haven't lost your touch, but then again, who would expect you to? Love the two babies, they're just gorgeous. :)

Phoenix said...

I remember you!:D How are you? Awww! Thank you! I really have to get back into the story! I miss the characters! And the kids look so much Kaylee and Ty it's not even funny!:P

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